WikiMania 2011 in Haifa, Israel is supposed to be my first out-of-the-country travel. With school raging like lava from an active volcano, it swept away my hopes for this journey. I also have less money to spend for registration, accommodation and flights, this since my dad already sent green moolah for our tuition fees, without any left for my trip as a treat for my birthday.
What gathered my interest in this summit is Israel and its culture, history. It is with no question that J-s-s was born in Jerusalem and that many other Biblical events took place in this country. A rich repository of stories in this place is enough to awaken a cunning spirit.
Prior to passport processing, I researched a few facts about Israel as a part of my plan to be at least become no stranger.
Philippines is one of the select nations in Asia which could send off visitors to the Holy Land without visa. This was and is due to the existence of a huge Christian following in our country.
The Jews (an ethnoreligious group) comprises most of Israel. Contrary to popular belief, an Israelite may not be a Jew but a Jew is an Israelite. Jewish beliefs are commonly ruled in Israel and there are several laws in the Torah that has been adopted by the country. [Personally, I am still confused between the difference of a Jew from an Israelite from a Hebrew from a Palestine in terms of nationality, and it is a very interesting topic.]
Jewish food and its preparation is observed with a methodology called kosher. Kosher involves several laws in the Torah, which are also Biblical. They have a special way of slaughtering mammals and birds that are allowed to be eaten. They also forbid the consumption of dairy products together with meat or fruits/vegetables or in any combination should those be served together. There are strict rules like draining all blood from the meat and checking if there are bugs in the fruits/vegetables. [As I was thinking of eating in Haifa with all meals served kosher, I had the presumption that I'm on a very regulated and strict diet bordering on fasting.]
The food is what still remains on my mind, so I ask in the title of this post. If you need more enlightenment on these rules, read this. I was just really concerned with food as it is a primal need and its unavailability for variety concerned my unregulated diet. What if I was not accustomed to the taste? Would I have to endure? Questions which must be answered if I find a kosher-style restaurant in the area. I am still expecting that something will happen for me to be allowed to go there.
Body Dysmorphia 2025 edition
1 month ago